Dr Taddy Blecher
Pioneer Educationist,
Transcendental Crusader

Can a belief in magic and miracles assist us in overcoming odds and in dissolving pressing social problems? We all come into the world with a natural sense of wonderment, yet our education system frequently stifles all potential for human imagination and enchantment.

This was the experience of Dr Taddy Blecher who recalls how he became increasingly emotionally disconnected and unhappy during his school and varsity years. Despite excelling academically to become one of South Africa’s top actuaries, he often spent months contemplating suicide.

Today Taddy is referred to as South Africa’s 'Harry Potter' and in this episode he shares with viewers how his encounter with Transcendental Meditation provided the emotional cure by awakening the spark of possibility in him once again.

Aside from meditating each morning and evening, his daily routine comprises a wholesome Ayurvedic diet, reading ancient eastern wisdom texts and living in a home built according to the principles of Vedic architecture. He has also been deeply inspired by his mother’s strength and integrity, and discusses the defining role that she has played in encouraging him to follow his own star.

Lastly we take a look at Taddy’s pioneering work at the Maharishi Invincibility Institute, an innovative and evolutionary educational establishment premised on the concept of Consciousness Based Education.

“Unlike the western paradigm, eastern philosophy is not based on limitation and scarcity, but rather on limitless possibility and transcendence. While the world may have finite resources, the capacity for human imagination is infinite.”




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